Residential city and main utilities of New Valley (Abutartur) phosphate Project
The city, 15 km from the project and 50 km from Elkharga city, capacitates 1396 units in addition to service buildings. Residential units are planned to be increased to 5000 units. Only minor work is remaining.
Main utilities include main water purification plant, sanitary drainage water treatment plant and main transformers station.
Networks include roads, water and sanitary drainage, electricity and telephones.Only minor work is remaining.
Residential city includes
First quarter (306 units), areas ranging from 105- 180m. Second quarter (542 units), 85m each and a 180 m. mosque. Third quarter (547 units), 85 m each.
Service centers include commercial market, post office, central communication service, police station, firefighting station, water tank and mosque.